• 5/15/18
    Dear Parents,
    Please make sure to check your child's blue folder.  I sent home a math packet that can be turned in anytime this week.  I also sent home a book order form the last one for the year.  If you would like to order books please make sure to send in your form by next Wednesday, May 23rd.  Also make sure if you haven't send in your child's zoo permission form and $4.00.  Dad's if you are interested we have a Dad's kickball game day, coming up on June 4th. If you are able to come in please fill the volunteer form.  Remember this week is the last week for After school clubs.
    Dear Parents,
    Please remember to send in your child's permission slip for the zoo.  We are going to the zoo on Friday, June 1st.  Please remember to pack a bag lunch for your child. If you volunteer to chaperone please remember to fill out a volunteer sheet and turn it into the office.   
    4/ 13/ 18
    Dear Parents, 
    Please remember that the mother and son glow dance is tonight. Tuesday, April 17th is wear a past techno trot t- shirt or running shirt with words and jogging/ athletic pants to read in. Don't forget that  next Saturday, April 21st is the Techno Trot run/walk.  
    Dear Parents,
    Please don't forget that items or money for our "literacy basket" is due next Friday, April 13th.  You can donate books, letter puzzles, literacy games, book  etc... 
    Dear Parents,
    WELCOME BACK FROM SPRING BREAK!  Please remember that we are doing a literacy raffle basket for our Techno Trot,  items or money are due Friday, April 13th.  If you plan on donating to our raffle basket please let me know through email so I can keep track on what items we may need.  Make sure to ask your child about our spring poem that we are presenting for our Wednesday morning meeting.  
    3/ 22/ 18
    Dear Parents,
    Please remember that tomorrow Friday, March 23rd is a half day, there is no lunch.   If you want to order a yearbook please make sure to turn in your order form with 10 dollars. I also sent a note home today about contributing to our "literacy basket" for our 9th annual Techno Trot raffle. Remember this is optional! There will be no homework packet or bag for next week. Enjoy your spring break! 
    Dear Parents,
    Please make sure to check in your child's blue folder for a newsletter.  Everyone enjoyed our special treat today for Dr. Seuss's birthday.  We had a fun day filled with special activities to celebrate the day.  There is no school this Monday, March 5th.  Please remember to return the March Madness reading form, it is due on Wednesday, March 7th.  Keep on sending in your box tops.   
    Dear Parents,
    Please remember to return your child's progress/ report card envelopes.  I sent home a homework packet this week please look for it in your child's blue folder.  Remember there is no school on Monday, March 5th.  
    Dear Parents,
    Please don't forget that Tomorrow Wednesday, February 14th is Valentine's Day, we will be celebrating at 10:45- 11:30.  At this time we will be having snack and we will be doing a  craft. Your child is welcome to bring in cards or something to pass out. Please make sure there is enough for everyone in the class.   Tomorrow is also class picture day. Thursday, February 15th is wear blue day.  
    Dear Parents,
    Our class had a fun filled 100th day  of school, with many 100 day activities. All the sashes that were turned in were all unique and everyone had fun wearing it! Make sure to ask your child about their day! This is a reminder that we will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 14th.  If your child brings in something to pass out please send it in the morning and enough for everyone in the class.  

    Dear Parents,
    Please make sure to check your child's blue folder, I sent a note home regarding our Valentine's Day celebration.  We will be celebrating on Wednesday, February 14th.  If your child brings cards to pass out please make sure that there is one for everyone in the class.  Also don't forget we will be celebrating 100 day of school this Thursday, February 8th.  The day will be filled many 100 day activities.  Please make sure that you send in your child's sash decorated with 100 of something this Wednesday, February 7th.
    Dear Parents, 
    Please make sure to check your child's bag, I sent home a 100's Day activity that is due Wednesday, February 8th. Please remember that there is a half of day on Monday, February 5th because of conferences. Have a wonderful weekend!
    Dear Parents,
    Please make sure to check your child's backpack, report cards were sent home today.  I also sent home a math or literacy bag.  Your child picked which one he or she wanted, next week he or she will get a different one.  These bags are in place of a homework packet and are due back on Thursday of every week.  Along with these activities please make sure to read with your child every night and practice the sight word booklet.
    Happy New Year!
    Dear Parents,
    I sent a sight word/ fluency booklet home with your child.  Please have your child keep this booklet inside their blue folder.  This way they can practice these words and phrases at home and school.  When you feel that they know these words and phrases please sign the bottom. I will then test your child when the booklet is signed (I will test your child out of order, please make sure that your child isn't just memorizing the words in order. I will stamp the front of the booklet if they can move on to the next list). Your child will go one list at a time and they can only move on to the next list if they have a stamp or sticker on the front of the booklet. Please remember that on Friday, January 19th Scholastic book orders are due.  Please keep sending in Box Tops!
    Dear Parents, 
    This is a reminder that tomorrow your child's train car is due. You may line the Kindergarten hallway around 10:15 as the kids parade through to take pictures.  Your child may wear pajamas to school.  Please remember to send your child in shoes and if they would like they can wear slippers in the classroom.   Also we will be having hot chocolate tomorrow and watching the Polar Express!


    Dear Parents,

    It has been a busy week! We have been talking about gingerbread this week.  We have read several gingerbread stories. We made a chart on all the stories and talked about how they are the same and different.  Make sure to ask your child about them and which one was their favorite. Please remember starting on Monday, December 18th we will be having a Polar Express week.  We will be talking and doing Polar Express activities.  Please remember to send a decorated train car with your child on Monday for Wednesday. Pictures can be taken of your child on Wednesday in the Kindergarten hallway at 10:15.  Please remember that a special treat will be shared hot chocolate and a cookie.  Have a great weekend!


    Dear Parents,

    A new Scholastic book order was sent home on Friday, December 1st.  Orders are due this Friday, December 8th.  I also sent a November newsletter home please make sure to check your child's folder for it.  I sent a new homework packet home that is due this Friday, December 8th.  Please remember to decorate a train car no bigger then a xerox box with handles attached because your child will be wearing the train car.  Please have your child bring it in on Monday, December 18th no earlier.  I am also sending a 5K Note home today, along with a PTO note.  


    Dear Parents,

    This is a reminder that we do not have school tomorrow Wednesday, November 22nd, Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Please don't forget to decorate your train car for our Polar Express Week.  Send the train car in on Monday, December 18th. No earlier.  


    Dear Parents,

    Please remember that there is no school tomorrow November 9th.  I will see you at your scheduled conference time :).


    Dear Parents,

    Please make sure to check your child's blue folder for a conference form to fill out and send back in.  There is also an October newsletter about what we have done this past month.


    Dear Families,

    Please join us for our "Once Upon A... Literacy Night on Monday, November 20th at North Prairie."  It is not too late to turn in your form if you haven't already.  If you need another form please let me know.  Please join us for our Halloween Party starting at 2 pm on Tuesday, October 31st.  We will be having a healthy snack and doing a special Halloween craft.  Please remember that your child can come in costume that day too!  I'm excited to see what everyone will be dressed up as!


    Please remember that tomorrow Tuesday, October 17th is Picture day!  Please remember to bring in your picture day forms. 


    Dear Families,

    We all enjoyed learning about fire safety this week!  We had a fun time walking down to the fire station and climbing in a fire truck! Please make sure to check your child's blue folder. I am sending a new homework packet, Scholastic order form and fire safety fun packet (you can keep at home). Please remember if you want to be a "Mystery Reader" send in the return form by Monday so a schedule can be formed.

     Fire Station         Fire Pic        Group pic


    Dear Families,

    I wanted to let you know that last Friday everyone enjoyed visiting the pumpkin farm.  We had fun on the hayride, talking about different kinds of pumpkins, feeding animals, picking out a pumpkin and going through a corn maze!  I wanted you to know that tomorrow Thursday, October 12th in the afternoon we will be walking down to the fire station for a tour as a class.   We will all learn about fire safety and what is at a fire station.   Please remember if you have any box tops at home please send them in.  


    Dear Families,

    Please remember that we have our Swan's Pumpkin Farm field trip tomorrow Friday, October 6th.  Please make sure to dress your child for the weather and to pack a paper bag lunch.  I am sending home in your child's blue folder a reminder letter,a picture day form, a letter to sign-up to be a "Mystery Reader" (dates will be sent home at a later date).  Please remember we have no school this coming Monday, October 9th. Also if possible can you send in box tops, we will be collecting them all year!  


    Dear Families,

    Please make sure to check your child's blue folder.  Inside you will find a September Newsletter, a homework packet due next Thursday, October 5th and 1st Quarter Progress Report.  Also if you haven't already please send in field trip money and permission slip by Tuesday, October 3rd because our field trip to the Pumpkin Farm is next Friday, October 6th. Please remember that afterschool clubs start Monday. Have a wonderful weekend!  



    Dear Families,

    I will be sending the "Family Binder" home with a child every night.  You and your child are welcome to look through the binder to learn about the families in our room. Please make sure that the binder comes back the next morning for another child to take home and enjoy.  Every child will have a chance to take it home! Please remember that Scholastic Book orders are due this Friday, September 29th.  Fieldtrip permission slips are due next Tuesday, October 3rd.  Next Friday, October 6th is our Pumpkin Farm Field trip.



    Dear Families,

    Please check your child's folder for a contact form, please fill out and send back to school.  Also library books are due back this Thursday September 21st.  Family Home School Connections are due this Friday, September 22nd (Please let me know if you need another sheet).


    Dear Families,

    A reminder that tomorrow is flashlight Friday! Please send in a flashlight with your child.

    Please look for a permission slip in your child's blue folder, we will be going to Swan's Pumpkin Farm on October 6th.  Permission slips are due October 3rd.  

    Home School Connection letter was sent home yesterday, it is due next Friday, September 22nd.





Fire Station