• Welcome to 8th Grade with Mrs. Castle!!
    Welcome to 8th Grade Resource!  My name is Mary Castle.  This is my fifth year at North Prairie, and I am very excited to be here!  I will be working with students in homerooms 8A and 8B.  I will be co-teaching with Mrs. Skinner(8A/8B Language Arts and Social Studies) and Miss Alley (8A/8B Math).  Depending on each student's Individual Education Plan (IEP), I will be supporting students within the general education classroom and/or working with students individually or in small groups in the resource room.
    I live in Kenosha with my husband, Kent, and my 87 year old father. We have four sons- Kyle, Andrew, Brent and Ryan. Kyle is a graduate of Iowa State University where he played hockey. He is a busniness analyst for CNH in Racine, WI. Our second son, Andrew, graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is a civil engineer for Martin Peterson Company in Kenosha. Brent also graduated from Madison, and he just moved to Portland, Oregon to work for Nike in their technology division. Our youngest son, Ryan, is beginning his junior year in UW Madison's Electrical Engineering program.
    Our North Prairie eighth graders are ready for an exciting year! Expectations are high- they are the leaders of our school! Together, we will make this year the very best it can be for your student!  I invite parents and students to check back to my web page for updates.  If you have any questions, I may be reached at mcastle@sta.whsd1.org or (847) 731- 3089. 
    Mary Castle
    8th Grade Resource
    North Prairie Junior High
    The Castle Clan