• It's super exciting to be in a new school this year, getting to know everyone here at North Prairie! My fellow teachers, students and parents have been so welcoming and I'm looking forward to a great year ahead! Before moving to this area, I lived and taught elementary art, Pre-K through 8th grade on the West Side of Chicago. I have always wanted to be an art teacher, and love teaching what I think is the coolest subject in school. I think it's awesome that art incorporates all of the other subjects like reading, writing, math, science, technology, engineering, music, movement..... the list could go on and on! This year in art, we will study a variety of artists, both classic, and contemporary. We will have have the opportunity to express ourselves, and exercise our active listening skills to make sure that everyone's voices are heard. It is important to me that we have fun, and stay safe while we are learning about and creating art.

    I am always happy to speak with you, before or after school, just send me an email and we can find a time to discuss your child's individual needs. I look forward to getting to know you, so please feel free to reach out. More info will be available regarding upcoming art events and opportunities to create art with your students after school. Stay tuned!

    - Ms. Hoskins

